Thursday, November 7, 2013

Post-Stroke Patient: Interesting Case Using BMAA

Patient complained of inability to move RUE below the elbow and inability to move right foot from ankle to toe.  Both limbs on right were very cold to the touch. Patient evidenced zero mobility in hand during movement testing. Patient stroke history over one month and already received two weeks of acupuncture treatment (not abdominal acupuncture) along with conventional medicine care and physical therapy, but no change in RUE or R foot.
Tongue: Dusky, stasis spots on inside, Center cracks, greasy in back with grey coat and slv dark and thick.  Stasis marks and a white spot in the LU area.
Pulse: 85 bpm.  Wiry. 
Dx: Windstroke with LU and HT Qi Def, and Liv wind.
Tx:  RN 12, 10, 6, 4, KI 17, 13, St 24,  Ab7
Right: Ab 1, Ab2,  St 26,  Ab4, Ab6, St 27 above
Post-tx: SIGNIFICANT change in temperature noted in both arm and leg from shoulder to fingertips and from thigh to toes.  Hand went from "arctic chilly" to "equatorial heat." Arm temperature change not as obvious but improved.  Pt. also had ability to grasp lightly with right hand evidencing ability to move following Tx.

Three days later patient showed further ability to move hand. Patient continues to undergo acupuncture treatment and rehabilitation therapy.

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